28 October 2007

Introduction: The UAE Series (by Christine)

First of all, I must admit that I was already a little obsessed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan, the late revered father of the nation. His image is still everywhere (including a few choice spots in our house), and he is THE cultural icon of the country. But after the Natural History group’s presenter of last week, the subsequent book I have picked up, From Rags to Riches: A story of Abu Dhabi by Mohammed Al-Fahim, and other conversations with nationals, I am now on a hunt to learn more about this man and his country. Over the next few weeks, I plan to share my findings with all of you! I can already tell it's going to be a fascinating story. Part I coming soon…


Paula said...

I look forward to hearing more!! PS, there is a type in this post. An engineer correcting an English teacher, come on Randy...

Paula said...

OH,and there is typo in my correction, sorry...

Randy and Christine said...

Paula, I know there's a typo. Christine wrote this article, and she didn't even let me proofread it first.

mariah c said...

I'm so excited to learn! This is a really cool idea chris... I don't know anything about the history of the country and I can't wait to see what you find out. (PS--in your defense, I couldn't find the typo, but that could be just because I'm a bad English student... which would be true seeing as I haven't taken an English class in about 3 years haha--sorry randy!)

Randy and Christine said...

I have fixed Christine's errors (there were actually two of them, Paula!). Later, Randy

Kat said...

I can't wait to learn more - must know a lot before we come to visit!! The pictures are awe-inspiring. But - what is with all the goats?