24 August 2013

The girls' view of Summer 2013

The girls got 2 kid cameras this summer- which actually worked out quite well.  Many pictures were blurry- they would push the button and then move on, while the actual photo is take about a second after pushing the button.  Some favorite subjects included pets, TV and computer screens, floors and the upper half of their own faces.  There were quite a few videos as well; my favorite is one where Anastasia draws all over Talula's hand and then I walk in a few seconds later and give Talula a talking to about drawing on her hands.

We'll have to turn them loose with the camera here to see what they are finding interesting.  Below are a few of the over 700 that they took...

some of the not-too-blurry ones

09 August 2013

Hello from Lahore

CLICK HERE for TOUR of 23/E-2 F.C.C., Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan  (Be sure to read the captions for each picture if you want a clear idea of our new home.)

Hello from Lahore, Pakistan!

We arrived in Lahore with no trouble.  The flight between DC and Doha was long, but at just over 12 hours, it could have been worse.  It helped that the girls slept most of the time.  (Total flight time, of all four flights, was approximately 18 hours;  going back to the States will be closer to 20 hours, however).

The house is big.  On the ground floor, we have our kitchen, huge dining room, a den, a living room, and a bedroom with bathroom attached.  There's also a patio overlooking the back yard.  The second floor has three more bedrooms, each with bathroom, although only one tub.  The others are showers. There's a terrace on the second floor, with doors opening out from two of the three bedrooms.  There are some pretty cool vines/flowers growing along the terrace.  There's also a gecko that hangs around the girls' bathroom outside window.

We've seen various birds, including some green parrots, plus squirrels, cats, etc.  The yard is very green--lots of grass and shrubs and tropical plants.

We have a little carport where the car (a Honda) is parked.  I just call for our driver Khalil when we need him.  Aside from the driver, we have also hired a nanny, Shakeela, and a gardener, Amin.

The school is probably ten minutes away.  No pictures of it yet, but most of you have seen LAS' website, if you haven't yet, follow this link:  LINK to LAS.

We have our own security guard, provided by the school.  They work in twelve-hour shifts.  The weekday guard Khalid is the one we've seen the most.  He really likes to play with the girls (and it probably takes away some of the monotony of guarding a single-family dwelling on a quiet cul-des-sac in a residential neighborhood).

01 August 2013

in FL & SC (Summer 2013)

We leave tomorrow for Pakistan, but the last 3 weeks in Florida and Beaufort have been fun-filled.  Just look at the photos! click this link to see Google+ album of Summer 2013 FL & SC
Balls & Doggetts