01 April 2014

RED (shimul trees) and WHITE (zoo animals)

Laid back spring break= lots of blog posts. Here's a few pictures from the last few days of flower-gathering and zoo-going:
Shimul tree flowers are dropping everywhere!  They're huge and red= FUN! 
The shimul tree is also known as the red cotton tree and I read that some people even use the blooms' fibers to make pillows.  Anastasia and Talula tried them out at the zoo as bear toys, gazelle fodder and ornaments for the duck ponds.

Wording of the signs pictured (including use of capitals):
"Whoever is kind to the creatures of ALLAH is kind to himself."
"Sure, they're happy to see you.  To them, you smell like food."
"Whoever is merciful even to a sparrow, ALLAH will be merciful to him on the

Anastasia loves red (see flowers above) and WHITE?! (see animals here).  Every white animal at the zoo got special preference.  She even argued that the "normal" tigers and peacocks were "boring."  I was repeatedly instructed to take photos of all white animals. [Weird kid?!]

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