17 November 2008

RAIN: Sunday 16 November 2008

For the first time in Anastasia's life, it rained. This is only the third rain we have seen since moving to the UAE and the first time since last January. Needless to say, it was quite exciting and refreshing (not unlike Obama's victory- yes, this is Christine). It only lasted for maybe half an hour, but the streets were flooded until it could all get soaked up. That did not take long :) But, oh, what a beautiful sight and sound!!

We took her for her four-month vaccinations. She is now 11 pounds 6 oz and is 24 inches long. She's in the pathetic 9th percentile for weight and the 50th for height. The doctor encouraged us to go ahead and start feeding her cereal since she's developed issues with anything that is not mama. This is how it went (or rather, didn't go):

In case you can't know her expressions, this is the pathetic "help me" phase that sets in after a good scream. Hopefully, the holiday travels around the US will be good for her growth- as her preferred food will be with her all the time! Looking forward to seeing you all- for some of you it will merely be a matter of 13 days time.

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