04 July 2008

Things To Do While Waiting for Anastasia to be Born

*Make a "Things To Do" list on our blog
*Go for long walks at one of our many air-conditioned malls
*Go for short walks outside in our 120*F heat
*Play with Leanne's cat Ella
*Water Taylor and Tobin's plants
*Watch episodes of THE OFFICE over and over
*Go to the Corniche Hospital and be told, "Not today! No baby today!"
*Hang out in fancy hotel lobbies
*Play Yahtzee
*Pick lint off the carpet
*Read loads of books, magazines, and newspapers, no matter what the quality
*Check cousins' blogs whose lives are not in a temporal loop
*Be repeatedly dismayed by the offerings at the movie theatres
*Writing letters and postcards (and taking sweat-drenching walks to the Khalidiya Post Office)
*Play "Get-to'know-you" with the nanny
*Try out various labour-inducing activities, including but not limited to: taking long walks, eating spicy foods and drinking ginger tea, taking hot baths and showers, and exercising on the birthing ball
*Write in Anastasia's baby book


Paula said...

You have to wait until the 10th, remember!

mariah c said...

If you ever want to switch that up some more and discuss those repeated viewings of The Office, just let me know... and if you happen to meet Jim Halpert while you're over there, let me know that as well. Or are you watching the Brit version? Cuz that one is faboo too. I hope she comes soon Chris!!

Unknown said...

You should check out the show "How I Met Your Mother"! We LOVE it!