It's a lot of fun to have Anastasia around at school. Randy sent me an email telling me about the pre-school's participation in the AISA Terry Fox Run. I wasn't teaching then, so I borrowed a camera and took the following photos. Randy and I run into her on the playground a few times a week and we get numerous daily reports from staff and students. For example, the other day I found out Anastasia should work on her mouse manipulation. I'm not sure I knew she was even taking computers!
Here's the story: All preschoolers are waiting to run. Anastasia sees me and runs forward. We take a few pics and then it's their turn to run. Ms. Sally, the classroom assistant and Mrs. Sunette, Anastasia's teacher, run with her during the race. And then when it's time to return to class, she really doesn't want me to leave.
Happy Birtday, Reed!
8 years ago