Is she or isn't she conceding soon?
That seems to be the question this week. Of course, many Democrats want Hillary Clinton to concede already--to "unite" the party, whatever that means (after all, when was either major political party truly "united"?). However, many Clintonites (including quite a few feminists who now have a good point of contention--more on that in a moment) want her to hold out, but for what?
What is Hillary's plan now? Honestly, we've known for a while that she can't win this, not this election season...not unless Barack Obama has one massive misstep, and that is highly, highly unlikely at this point. He has survived Reverend Wright and ridiculous allegations against his patriotism and of his "true" religion. So is Hillary Clinton staying in this race to hurt him enough that McCain will be elected, thus giving her a shot at the White House in 2012? It seems very possible at this point. If not 2012, she at least wants to remain viable for 2016, but like most liberals, can she wait that long?
Why does Hillary Clinton still have the winning touch in some states/territories? White, lower-to-middle class blue-collar workers certainly are part of the equation, as are many feminists. I cannot remember, unfortunately, who it was, but I do recall one black female congresswoman (not that ultra-liberal and possible criminal Braun from Illinois) saying that she had encountered more sexism than racism in Congress, that a black man had much more power and clout than a woman of any race in politics. Perhaps she is right?
Finally, in my last truly politically-incorrect statement of the day, wouldn't it be great if Hillary came out and said, "Why can't a white woman get justice against a black man? This is OJ Simpson all over again!"???
Oh, one other item: Why doesn't anyone mention that Congress' approval rating is actually LOWER than the president's rating?