04 December 2008

Anastasia's First Visit to the USA

We have arrived safely in the United States after a series of flights, taking us from Abu Dhabi to Bahrain to Amsterdam to Atlanta to Orlando. Anastasia did pretty well flying, much to her parents' relief. She charmed all the other passengers and the flight crew. Now we're relaxing at my mom's in Winter Haven, Florida. (Anastasia is her first grandchild.) Anastasia will be meeting her great Grandma Baker later today, and next week we'll be driving up to South Carolina to see my dad. Then later this month, we'll make the long drive to Indiana so Christine's family can see her.

Happy holidays to everyone! We promise to put up pictures of our trip sometime...

27 November 2008

Happy Turkey Day!


We celebrated National Day (It's our resident country's birthday next week; the UAE will be 37 years young) at school today, so I figure the grand meal and the entertainment we had was like Thanksgiving, except instead of turkey I had camel meat. Camel tastes GOOD. Seriously good. Very tender, very delicious...

The entertainment was in the form of traditional dances. Boys twirl guns (unloaded, of course) and canes; girls flip/twirl their hair. It's a separate event of course, because our school does that whole "separate but equal" thing, based on gender instead of race, though. The food is also very separate but equal: boys get meals, girls are more snack-like but with nearly equal volume.

Anastasia and Misrak joined us for the National Day events at AISA. (You know how little kids' birthdays are celebrated with greater fanfare than most adults'? I think that explains the fervor of National Day here :)

Anastasia with Misrak

Allana and Leanne

Rhonda with A, and Randy

Camel-based cuisine

Overview of the boys' side

17 November 2008

RAIN: Sunday 16 November 2008

For the first time in Anastasia's life, it rained. This is only the third rain we have seen since moving to the UAE and the first time since last January. Needless to say, it was quite exciting and refreshing (not unlike Obama's victory- yes, this is Christine). It only lasted for maybe half an hour, but the streets were flooded until it could all get soaked up. That did not take long :) But, oh, what a beautiful sight and sound!!

We took her for her four-month vaccinations. She is now 11 pounds 6 oz and is 24 inches long. She's in the pathetic 9th percentile for weight and the 50th for height. The doctor encouraged us to go ahead and start feeding her cereal since she's developed issues with anything that is not mama. This is how it went (or rather, didn't go):

In case you can't know her expressions, this is the pathetic "help me" phase that sets in after a good scream. Hopefully, the holiday travels around the US will be good for her growth- as her preferred food will be with her all the time! Looking forward to seeing you all- for some of you it will merely be a matter of 13 days time.

03 November 2008

Election Day Eve (by Randy)

It's the Eve of Election Day in the United States, and yes, it's getting plenty of press overseas as well. However, in Abu Dhabi we've only seen one bumper sticker about the elections, an "Obama 08" sticker. I'll be glad when it's all over, even if--as it would certainly appear--the uber-liberal gets elected.

Meanwhile, we're doing well here, keeping busy with school and a relatively (for new parents) active social life. Last night, though, Christine and I went out on a "date," something just for us (thank you, Joyce, for babysitting!). We went to Finz (I did NOT choose it because of its similarity to the Jimmy Buffett tune--I chose it because it has received top awards and is billed as THE place for outdoor seafood dining in this capital city) and enjoyed some nice seafood (and dessert) overlooking the water and a ton of cranes (it's Abu Dhabi; of course there were cranes!).

Anastasia is doing well. She smiles quite a bit these days, even to strangers (we're hoping she maintains this attitude next month when she hits the United States). Christine takes her for a walk in the Baby Bjorn in the morning, and I do the same in the evening. Somewhere in between, we manage to teach, work on lesson plans, and grade papers. Also, we both have enrolled in distance-learning classes from Colorado State University for teacher recertification credit, and that will take up some of our time as well.

On weekends we take Anastasia to the beach or the park or one of our many malls...she's quite agreeable as long as she's in the Baby Bjorn!

Anyway, we'll be in the United States a month from now. Our schedule tentatively looks something like this:

3 December: Land in Orlando, Florida, and visit with my paternal grandmother, Mom, and Peter;

9 December: Drive up to Beaufort, South Carolina, to see Dad and our Beaufort friends;

17 December: Begin our drive to Indiana, perhaps driving through Asheville (Michelle?) and Knoxville

18 December: Arrive in Dale, Indiana, to see Christine's family

31 December: Fly out of Evansville, Indiana, for home.

Hopefully this summer, I'll get a chance to see the Illinois (maternal) grandparents, aunts, uncle, cousin, etc...

And Becky (the godmother!)...well, she needs to make plans to either come to Beaufort or Indiana to see us! And of course, she still needs to book that flight for Abu Dhabi in January or February...

Take care, everyone...and be sure to vote Libertarian.

18 October 2008

Odds and Ends

Here is Month 3's collage. I think my favorite is the Omani dhow workers lazily admiring Anastasia as the rest of the tourist snoozed after a delicious lunch. (FYI: I have a collage for each month at the picasa site.)

Earlier this month, AISA had an Open House. We brought Anastasia along so that colleagues and students could see her. Now cleaning men, the Arab French teachers, and former students always ask about her. Quite a few of the latter took pictures with their cell phones to show to friends that weren't there. One student in particular asks how her baby is doing everytime I see her now.
This week we (the 8th grade staff) pulled a wonderful trick on our students. We planned a forensics unit that involved killing the director of our school. To introduce the project, I took two classes together (the other was the director's wife's) and told them there had been an incident and that Mrs. Pittman-Jones wouldn't be coming to class. I "checked" with a school official in the hall to see how much I could relay to them (aka- recover before I started laughing at their concerned faces) and then returned to inform them that the director had been murdered. They were shocked and brought up the bomb threat of a couple of weeks ago- I believe one quote was "What is going on with our school?!". Some were near tears, many had questions, one was concerned about his mom who also worked at our school. Then Mrs. Pittman-Jones came in looking very upset. She said she didn't want to be alone now and she just wanted to get to the bottom of who did it. But she said we couldn't really do anything now, so let's just try to accomplish some work today, which is when we both started handing out the fat packet of information titled "Death of the Director". You should have seen their bewildered faces!! A few finally caught on, and started crying out about how we got them :) I heard a few of the girls did openly cry. We begin research on some mysterious white powder tomorrow...
Not much going on here. Work. Play with Anastasia. Sleep and do it all over again. Although the little brat did pull a trick on us last Wednesday. She woke up every hour after midnight!! The night before and the one after were normal (one feeding around 2am). I did warn my students that Ms. Meunier may not tolerate as much as normal.
It's just over 6 weeks until we head for home for Christmas. But who's counting :)

04 October 2008

Eid Holiday 2008

We were off from 26 September until 4 October to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Kim Asmus Hersey came to share that time with us and to meet Anastasia. In the photo album (if you follow the link), you will see us at Musandam (Oman), Al Ain, the beach along Abu Dhabi's corniche and at Sheikh Zayed's mosque.
Kim's visit to UAE/ Eid Holiday 2008

25 September 2008

Anastasia, Pirates, and Plans

Mother and Daughter...Sharing a special moment together. She looks really cute here...and so does Anastasia!

Anastasia celebrating TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY (19 September for you landlubbers) with her dad...She only started screaming when we took the camera out (I promise!). Her shirt, by the way, says, "BORN TO BE A PIRATE." Those of you who know me, you know I like my pirates. They're even my college alma mater! Go AASU! Arrrrrr!

Anastasia makes lots of funny faces...At least she isn't crying in this one! She's yawning...but it's a happy yawn!

And here she is smiling. She's chillin' with her homies in her crib. Anastasia loves mornings (she gets that from her mother, definitely NOT from dad). This is the time when she smiles and coos the most.


1. Anastasia is legal! She's had her passport for over a month now, but this week, she received her residency visa. You may recall Christine's blog entry about my attempts to get that visa. It involved a few trips to the Ministry of Immigration (not the US Embassy) and several hours of waiting in line. But she has it now! We're ready for our first trip out of the country...to Oman of course. Christine's friend Kim is coming to visit over our Eid break, a week-long break to celebrate the conclusion of Ramadan and the return of normal business hours. I can't wait to enjoy coffee at a reasonable hour...

2. My sister Rebekah is thinking of coming to visit. Everyone, please encourage her! Especially Brian and Alan and Lucy, tell her what a wonderful time you had, how it was well worth the expense...Her email is...well, I won't publish it here, but write me and I'll give you her address. Yes, I'm making a shameless plug here. I want visitors from my "side" too, darnit!

3. We are often asked what our plans are for next year. The simple answer: We don't know.

The more complicated answer: We may stay in Abu Dhabi one more year after this; otherwise, we would look elsewhere overseas. Right now, we both would be willing to do Oman or Georgia, and I think I could convince Christine about Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria easily enough. Christine has been thinking about Saudi Arabia, mainly for the money. With a baby, we don't get out much anyway, and in two or three years, we could earn some serious cash. It would be an interesting experience too. I could do Saudi for two years...

We would both be willing to try out Cambodia as well. I think there are places in India that could be promising, and of course I love the Czech Republic, one of the few places in central and western Europe I'd be willing to move to. That and Ireland. And Scotland, but so cold! Anyway, I doubt that I could convince Christine to move to any cold parts in Europe...

We're not sure yet what we'll do at the end of this year. We might sign on for an additional year, especially if our wonderful nanny Misrak will still be here. Otherwise, there's Oman (I have connections there), Beirut (my dream job), Georgia (the country, not the state...again, we have connections--last year's assistant principal now works outside Tbilisi)...Other possibilities include Jordan and Syria. I'd really like to stay in the Middle East for a bit longer, just to give us an opportunity to travel in the region with ease...

So that's the more complicated answer to "We don't know."

16 September 2008

Of vaccines, visas, and very shocking photos

We were successful on our second attempt to get Anastasia vaccinated. So far she is only running a slight fever and doing quite well; she even managed our regular Friday trip to a mall with no problems. For some reason they couldn't get her name right even after writing it and spelling it- so she was called "Anutusia" throughout the visit. She now weighs in at 11 lbs. and 5 oz. and is 22 in. long. Thus, she's holding her percentile in weight, but jumped from a 9% to 46% in length. (Can you tell I'm a math teacher?!) For all those with children, there's a cool site where you can graph and identify their percentiles for up to 2 years- http://www.mybirthcare.com/favorites/babygrowth.asp

Poor Randy spent Wednesday and Thursday at immigration (after his teaching day was over.) He was #189 (they were on #21) in the waiting line on the first day and even worse off the second. Together I would estimate a total of 4 hours for both days. The second day was needed because once again, the perfect size, color, etc baby picture was elusive. We paid the expediting fee so that we will be able to take her into Oman without having to try to sneak her across the border over Eid holiday. But, oh what a sense of accomplishment we will have when it's all done!

Very shocking photos.
These are NOT pictures of Anastasia, but in fact RANDY as a child. Especially identical is the top left picture. Even her own mother would have said that that was her!

"Beware of road surprises"

The title of this post is an actual sign that one can see along the Emirati highways. I find it a lot more entertaining than just "caution" or "danger ahead". And today on the way to school I did encounter a road surprise: as I was getting off Kaleej Al Arabi Road at the East Road exit, I came within a few meters of hitting a gazelle! I think I have seen maybe a gazelle or two out in the middle of the desert towards Saudi Arabia, but never one in the metropolis of Abu Dhabi. I can only wonder why the poor, terrified little guy was there. My guess is that an eccentric family has a farm inside their compound and my surprise is their escapee. The whole experience ranks nearly as weird as hurricane weather in Indiana.

13 September 2008

Our ticket to deeper cultural interactions

We are now half-way through Ramadan. Traffic in the afternoon on the way home is still horrible- everyone in all of Abu Dhabi appears to be released from work between 1-1:30pm. Still no food, drink, gum, etc in public during daylight hours. Supermarkets remain open, but all restaurants are closed until dusk. I called to check on Ramadan hours at the clinic we planned to go to for Anastasia's 2-month vaccines. The answer: 8:30am-2:30pm and then again from 7:30pm-1:30am. Can you imagine taking an infant for a shot at 1 in the morning?! The malls and post office follow a similar timetable.

Other interesting cultural phenomena we encountered this week came from our nanny and some Chinese couples that Randy ran into on the Corniche while walking Anastasia. In Misrak's country, New Years was this past Thursday. Happy 2001 for them!! The Ethiopian calendar is different from the Gregorian in the spacing of months and they are about 7 years behind the rest of the world. You should have seen us trying to use the internet to discover Misrak's birthday in our calendar! We finally settled on June 1, 1984. She knows it as Ginbot 24, 1977.

And the interesting tidbit from Randy's stroll: Chinese babies are often kept indoors for at least 3 months.

We are still getting stares, smiles, claps and requests for photos when we take Anastasia out in the BabyBjorn. She's quite the cultural barrier-breaker.

29 August 2008

Misrak, Super Nanny

We're fine here, just tired with school up and running (the kids are pretty good so far...who am I kidding? Right now, they're great. The trick is to make them stay that way all year long). With Anastasia added to the equation, we are two exhausted parents. Misrak is doing well with her, though.

For those who are wondering, Misrak is 24 and comes from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. She has been in Abu Dhabi for about nine months now, and she lives with three other Ethiopian girls in a flat a block away from us. Thus, she's nearby in case of a babysitting emergency (or in case we lock our keys inside our flat, something that happens all too often to people here).

Misrak came highly recommended by a few teaching couples who employed her services last year, and she was one of Christine's first visitors at the hospital (others who visited Christine early on were Heidi, Ryley and Roar, Allana, and Zakaia, or one Canadian, one American, one Norwegian, one Trinidadian, and one New Zealander--it's a multicultural city! The second "wave of visitors" brought an Irishman, a Spaniard, an Englishman, an Australian, an Egyptian...well, you get the idea. It's like having the United Nations in our house).

Misrak even brought flowers to the hospital for the new mother, and a few days later she gave Anastasia a big stuffed bunny (look for it in pictures!). Misrak looked after Anastasia throughout the summer, coming in for a few hours three times a week and giving Anastasia's parents a little break. It also gave baby and nanny some time to get to know one another. Misrak has even accompanied us on trips; when Christine's youngest brother Brian (the godfather) visited us, Misrak went with us to Dubai and to Al Ain.

Misrak has a quiet, calming personality, and we are lucky to have her.

23 August 2008

The end of another summer (by Christine)

It's almost that time again :( Returning teachers report on the 25th and students resume classes on the 31st. This fall we start on the Ramadan calendar right away. Consequently, school only runs from 8:30 to 1:10 and is a perfect way to return to work post-baby. This also means Eid is just a month away and that the one-week plus break we get for that holiday is within sight!

Anastasia will be staying at home with Misrak (our next entry will be all about her) from about 8-2 each day. We've had her coming in 3 times a week for a few hours this summer. So she and Anastasia are well acquainted, they seem to truly enjoy each other, and Randy and I have complete confidence in her. Sometimes, I feel like I should be looking to her to see how to do some things, she's that good!

This Friday, our little family did the Abu Dhabi "Trifecta": we hit three malls in one day! First it was off to Khalidiya to have coffee with a colleague that returned from Canada, then to Marina Mall to go to Ikea, and finally Abu Dhabi Mall because Randy's tutoring job is near there. Three malls sound ridiculous (especially considering I could easily go a year in the US without visiting one)- but does going to 3 different places running errands sound unusual? I don't think so, it's just that here everything is in malls. (Do you hear my rationalizations?!) Anastasia was in her Baby Bjorn most of the time and did a great job- she slept :)

While Randy tutored, I visited with his tutoree's Egyptian family. The youngest girl was amazed that everything Anastasia had was smaller than hers, that she couldn't walk or hold things, and wanted to give her several of her toys. Very cute!! All three sisters and mom fought to hold her, once I was finally done breatfeeding in their parlor. It was really nice to just sit and visit with a non-Western woman: we discussed wedding bands, hair and eye color, American cities vs towns, pharmacy schools, Alexandria and family guests. It ended with an invite for dinner once her huband returns from a trip abroad.

As we have taken Anastasia out and around, we've found her to be a real barrier-breaker. Randy even had coffee with a covered woman- she approached him, and then proceeded to comfort and feed Anastasia as they sat and chatted. Babies always get attention, but people really stare when she's in the Baby Bjorn. Women's looks express thoughts that lead Randy to think he's the best dad ever and onlooking men seem to be shocked and/or mocking him.

Other (old) news: as of her one month visit, Anastasia had gained 2.5 pounds, 3 cm in length and 3 cm in head circumference. This means she's in the 60th percentile for weight, but in about the 10th for length. Short, chunky, but the brain sure is growing!

Here are some of Anastasia's favorite places to stare around the house. She visits them several times daily and they usually quiet her crying for a bit. They seem goofy choices to me, but most do have some pretty strong color contrasts.

And lastly, to celebrate becoming a mother, my approaching 32nd birthday, and to rally myself to get into the back-to-school spirit, I treated myself to a morning at a nearby spa. I had a Morrocan bath, haircut, facial, mani and pedi. The Moroccan bath included getting rubbed down with something slimy to facilitate exfoliation, a good steaming, a brutal rubbing down and finally a massage. Surprisingly to me and the lady abusing me, little dead skin was removed. This resulted in the Phillipino lady saying that my husband was lucky and complimenting me on my cleanliness, but lamenting that unless there's major results, I may not come back.

Although we didn't travel far this summer, it was a big one for us. One that included late mornings, walks to induce labor, books and box sets of TV series to avoid the sweltering heat BA(before Anastasia) and AA early mornings, walks to calm baby, books and box sets of TV series to avoid the sweltering heat. Now only 3 months until we head back to the States for an extended winter holiday with family!!

12 August 2008

Brian's visit to UAE

Brian's visit to UAE

(Click on the photograph to view a web album)

“Anastasia’s Godfather Visits the United Arab Emirates”

By Randall D. Ball

We waited at the airport for nearly two hours, and he never came. Someone, and by someone I mean not me, had misread her brother’s itinerary, so we were one day early to greet Brian at the airport. The next day, same place, same time, Brian did arrive and greeted his goddaughter, his niece, the first in the family to see Anastasia, who was only three weeks old.
Anastasia was going to have a busy week.

Brian’s first day, however, was relaxed. We picked him up at the airport in the morning, fed him a full English breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants, and took him to Emirates Palace, our seven-star hotel here in Abu Dhabi, to see spectacular grandeur and over-the-top elegance that oil money can buy. They also had a temporary Picasso art exhibit there, and we showed Brian the Saadiyat Island exhibit, although he slept through that part. I would have to take him back there later in the week.
Brian slept through his first afternoon here, arising for what would become his dinner of choice: Lebanese mixed grill (grilled chicken, beef, and lamb) with humus at our neighborhood spot, Al Fawar. The men who work there recognized me and complimented us on Anastasia, a personal touch that impressed Brian almost as much as the food. It’s a lot of meat—so naturally, we guys liked it. Christine ate salad, humus, and a few bites of my chicken.

The next day, Brian, Christine, Anastasia, our nanny Misrak, and I all traveled two hours up the coast to Dubai, so that we could show Brian (a civil engineer) all the construction there. After all, at least twenty-five percent of the world’s cranes are located in Dubai. He also had a close-up view of the Burj Dubai (tallest building in the world and it’s still under construction) and the Burj Al-Arab (world’s tallest hotel and the OTHER seven-star hotel in the world). We spent the afternoon at the Mall of the Emirates so Brian could get frost bite in the desert; he went snowboarding at Ski Dubai.
I had baby duty for about an hour (we gave Misrak a break so she could do some shopping on her own). Anastasia and I were in a coffee shop in the Mall of the Emirates when she started crying, and before I knew it, a local Emirati woman, completely covered in her abaya and sheyla, approached me, offered to hold her, and soon she was sitting next to me and we were talking in the coffee shop. Normally, this would be practically taboo, but Anastasia is a gateway to the locals. The woman was a natural, fawning over the infant while she told me about her own five children and gave me home remedies for colic. In all fairness, we were in Dubai, which is a bit more liberal than Abu Dhabi—but still.

On Brian’s third day in the United Arab Emirates, we took him to the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital on the mainland, just past the airport. Falconry is a treasured Bedouin tradition, part of hunting in Arabia, and these days such falcons can cost tens of thousands of U.S. dollars. Even the UAE President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nayhan, had a falcon at the hospital during our visit. We had the opportunity to hold the powerful birds (no, not the president’s), their immense talons digging into the heavy-duty gloves we were given, and Brian and I even fed them—raw quail. I think their beaks are stronger than their talons! The falcon hospital cares for such avian ailments as broken wings, parasites, injured claws, even bird tuberculosis! Unfortunately, “Anastasia” and “anesthesia” sound alike with some accents, so I’m certain at least one avian doctor there is wondering why Christine and I named our daughter “Anesthesia.”

The following day, I drove our posse to Al Ain, a popular date-palm oasis near the Oman border. The drive took us from the blindingly-white salt flats (sabka) of coastal Abu Dhabi into the romantic, rolling red dunes of Arabia. Al Ain is the birthplace of the UAE’s founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed Al-Nayhan, the current president’s father. We saw his palace, the oasis itself, and the Al Ain National Museum, and then we (err, I) drove up Jebel Hafeet, the tallest mountain in the UAE (“Jebel” means mountain), for a magnificent view of Al Ain and the surrounding desert. Jebel Hafeet is hard to miss in Al Ain; it’s that massive rocky mountain interrupting a relatively flat horizon.

The day after our Al Ain adventure, we visited Sheikh Zayed’s Mosque in Abu Dhabi, the world’s second largest mosque (after Mecca, of course) and home to the world’s largest dome, which is above the world’s largest chandelier, which is above the world’s largest carpet. Christine and Misrak—but not Anastasia, of course—had to cover up in abayas for this visit. The mosque, which is expected to cost $545 million once it’s completed, is also the final resting place of the late Sheikh Zayed Al Nayhan.

The next morning, we took Brian to the camel race track, once again on the mainland outside the city of Abu Dhabi. The camel races don’t take place in the middle of the summer, but there are still a few groups practicing. Brian, using pantomime and broken English to communicate with a camel tender (camel shepherd? Camel nanny?), at length persuaded him to let Brian sit on a camel. This spectacle drew a little crowd as everyone laughed at the American trying to get on—and off—a camel. We all had a good laugh, but Brian got the much-desired photographs of him on a camel. Don’t be fooled by the one photograph where he appears to be slapping a camel’s backside. What he is actually doing is falling off the animal, arms flailing helplessly—and humorously.
After a morning of camels, we returned to the city, where I showed Brian the deep-sea port at Mina and Heritage Village, an informative but touristy locale on the breakwater that celebrates the Bedouin lifestyle. Here, Brian learned three things:
1. Just because a souvenir market is open and on display doesn’t mean that there will be anyone there to actually take your money;
2. at the exhibit where the ox draws water from the well, don’t try to pull water from the well yourself. There’s a ten-minute lecture in Arabic for you if you do; and
3. those ducks weren’t fighting. Two of them were violently crushing a third against the ground while others pecked at the victim, but Christine insists it was just duck sex.

On his last day in Abu Dhabi, we took Brian to the beach for some photo-ops with Anastasia. She did well, by the way, allowing the gentle waves of the Persian Gulf to wash over her without crying. She pleased her coastal-born and raised father, certainly.
We also returned to Emirates Palace so Brian could see the exhibit on Saadiyat Island, or Island of Happiness. Saadiyat Island, located a kilometer from downtown, will be the cultural hub of Abu Dhabi, featuring a maritime museum, the Louvre, the Guggenheim, a national museum, and an opera house. All these structures are amazing architectural feats (once completed), and in the eyes of an engineer like Brian, impractical abominations that people like him must make happen when architects go wild. Actually, Brian liked my favorite exhibit there, the maritime museum, where the walkway seemingly dives into the water and comes out underneath. The island will be an incredible achievement, a valid reason to return to Abu Dhabi in a few years to see the finished product.

Brian saw much during his visit, from the history and culture presented at the Al Ain Museum, Heritage Village, and the falcon hospital to the present attractions of Ski Dubai and fancy hotels to the promise of tomorrow in the Burj Dubai and Saadiyat Island. It’s a good time to be in the United Arab Emirates.

02 August 2008

Anastasia at Three Weeks: A Profile in Colic

Here she is being cute and cuddly.

Things can change in a hurry:

I promise we aren't doing anything bad to her.

This is what colic looks like.

18 July 2008

A Few More Photographs of Anastasia

Isn't she cute and peaceful? She's probably having a poop here.

And this is what she looks like with a dirty nappy!

Here is her Elvis impression

One of Anastasia's favourite positions

14 July 2008

Anastasia Meunier Ball

Anastasia Meunier Ball

The Stats:

First name: Anastasia
Middle name: Meunier
Last name: Ball

Born: 11 July 2008 at 21:45 (9:45 pm) at the Corniche Hospital in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Height: 47 cm (18.5 inches)

Weight: 3.19 kg (7 lbs)

Hair: Dark brown (for now)

Eyes: Bluish grey (for now)

Comments: So far, everyone says she looks like her father, but they also say she is beautiful. Talk about contradictory statements! Her skin is rather dark, and yes, she looks Arabic. Who knew geography could beat out genes! Actually, she's just taking after her father's Syrian ancestry. For people who don't know, I (this is Randy writing this) am often asked if I'm Syrian.

Anastasia has many nicknames, given to her by various people: Tater, Sweet Tater, Tater Baggins, Frodo, Pip, Inchworm, Piglet, Mini Me... But in this house, we call her Anastasia.

I am getting to learn her different cries, trying to distinguish among the "dirty nappy" cry, the "I'm hungry" cry, and the "I'm bored and I just want to have a good" cry.

06 July 2008

Exciting days in Abu Dhabi

Some life-alterning changes have been happening in the city this summer. Here are 3 you many want to read up on:

1) New waterfront open!! This has been in construction since we moved here, and now the corniche is a really cool place to go- not just a walk to take :)http://www.gulfnews.com/gngalleries/galleries/10226519.html

2) Midday work laws are being enforced! Now instead of baking during the steamy afternoons, workers are getting to take a well deserved break that has always been a "law".

3) Public buses have hit Abu Dhabi. So far they are mainly connecting one mall to another, but in the evenings they are packed!! It could have something to do with the price= free! (until 2009). http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/08/06/26/10223758.html

04 July 2008

Things To Do While Waiting for Anastasia to be Born

*Make a "Things To Do" list on our blog
*Go for long walks at one of our many air-conditioned malls
*Go for short walks outside in our 120*F heat
*Play with Leanne's cat Ella
*Water Taylor and Tobin's plants
*Watch episodes of THE OFFICE over and over
*Go to the Corniche Hospital and be told, "Not today! No baby today!"
*Hang out in fancy hotel lobbies
*Play Yahtzee
*Pick lint off the carpet
*Read loads of books, magazines, and newspapers, no matter what the quality
*Check cousins' blogs whose lives are not in a temporal loop
*Be repeatedly dismayed by the offerings at the movie theatres
*Writing letters and postcards (and taking sweat-drenching walks to the Khalidiya Post Office)
*Play "Get-to'know-you" with the nanny
*Try out various labour-inducing activities, including but not limited to: taking long walks, eating spicy foods and drinking ginger tea, taking hot baths and showers, and exercising on the birthing ball
*Write in Anastasia's baby book

24 June 2008

Waiting to explode

For those of you wanting to see "the bump":
(Randy called me a dromedary!)

39-week picture

Emphasizing bump

20 June 2008

Summer Trip to Fujairah

On Monday, 16 June, Christine and I took a mini-vacation (our only trip this summer!) to Fujairah, the only one of the seven Emirates that we had not visited. The drive was long and hot, with temperatures rising steadily throughout the week, but we survived the trek across the scorching desert and into, over, and through the Al Hajar Mountains to the east coast of the United Arab Emirates. We stayed at the five-star Rotana Resort, located on the Indian Ocean, where we swam in the refreshing water and relaxed on the beach. We had some pretty good food there too. Since it's the off-season (summer is too hot here), there weren't many people around, which was very nice indeed. Two days later, though, we were back in the chaos of our capital city, Abu Dhabi. And yes, we're still waiting for Anastasia's arrival.

Friendly warning at the Rotana Beach

Note the Al Hajar Mountains in background

Christine (and Anastasia) at 38 weeks

Randy enjoying 120*F

Immature dates

14 June 2008

One Last Trip Before Things Change

We are headed for Fujairah Monday. Fujairah is on the east coast of the UAE, between the Hajar mountains and the Indian Ocean. We'll be staying at the Fujairah Rotana Resort and Spa (the rates drop considerably in the hot summer months, which is our off-season). The four-star hotel is not in the city of Fujairah (it's in Aqa'a, on the coastal road between Fujairah and Dibba), but it is in the Emirate of Fujairah. This is the only one of the seven Emirates that we haven't visited yet.

We'll be gone for two days...just two days of exploring wadis and swimming in the Gulf of Oman and relaxing on the beach and trying to keep cool as the temperatures close in on 120*F. It's a two-and-a-half hour drive northeast of Abu Dhabi...

07 June 2008


I see that Hillary Clinton is set to concede, finally. The funny thing is that she lost the Democratic primary, but she still gets all the attention. I'm sure it's just as she wanted...Now she's the most powerful, prominent woman in America (move over, Oprah!). She HAS to be thinking about 2012...But what about this sense of entitlement? During the race, she AND her husband (don't you EVER say it was just Hillary because he has been involved too!) pushed and pushed in such a way that they sounded as if they believed they were entitled to the nomination. They even made demeaning comments toward African-Americans, who once were the Clintons' best supporters. Will her race for the White House alter Americans' opinions about the previous Clinton administration?

03 June 2008

More Politics (By Randy)

Is she or isn't she conceding soon?

That seems to be the question this week. Of course, many Democrats want Hillary Clinton to concede already--to "unite" the party, whatever that means (after all, when was either major political party truly "united"?). However, many Clintonites (including quite a few feminists who now have a good point of contention--more on that in a moment) want her to hold out, but for what?

What is Hillary's plan now? Honestly, we've known for a while that she can't win this, not this election season...not unless Barack Obama has one massive misstep, and that is highly, highly unlikely at this point. He has survived Reverend Wright and ridiculous allegations against his patriotism and of his "true" religion. So is Hillary Clinton staying in this race to hurt him enough that McCain will be elected, thus giving her a shot at the White House in 2012? It seems very possible at this point. If not 2012, she at least wants to remain viable for 2016, but like most liberals, can she wait that long?

Why does Hillary Clinton still have the winning touch in some states/territories? White, lower-to-middle class blue-collar workers certainly are part of the equation, as are many feminists. I cannot remember, unfortunately, who it was, but I do recall one black female congresswoman (not that ultra-liberal and possible criminal Braun from Illinois) saying that she had encountered more sexism than racism in Congress, that a black man had much more power and clout than a woman of any race in politics. Perhaps she is right?

Finally, in my last truly politically-incorrect statement of the day, wouldn't it be great if Hillary came out and said, "Why can't a white woman get justice against a black man? This is OJ Simpson all over again!"???

Oh, one other item: Why doesn't anyone mention that Congress' approval rating is actually LOWER than the president's rating?

30 May 2008

The Wildlife in Abu Dhabi

No, I don't mean the "wild life" as in lifestyle. I am talking zoological life here.

In the city, we don't see much wildlife beyond birds, lots and lots of birds. There is quite a variety since the UAE is part of the flight path for our winged friends' migratory patterns. One really fun native bird here (besides the pigeon) is the flamingo, which can be found outside of town in some of the estuaries and coastal ponds. There's also the hoopoe with its long beak and impressive crest and the falcon, the national symbol and a traditional hunting tool in the Beduin culture.

As for insects, we have ants (but not fire ants) and a few roaches. It's nothing like Beaufort's roaches, though. We also have quite a few geckoes here, but they don't talk like the cute little guy selling car insurance on tv. Scorpions can be found if you look carefully, but they tend to exist in sandy areas a bit outside of downtown Abu Dhabi (they're nocturnal anyway).

Outside of the city, on the mainland, you can find thousands of camels along with the occasional oryx, gazelle, and various lizards. Other tougher-to-spot animals include sand boas, vipers, the Arabian hare, the Arabian wildcat, the caracal (another type of wild cat), the rock hyrax, the hyena, and the jird (a small rodent). Finally, let's not forget that OTHER magnificent symbol of the Arabian peninsula, second only to camels: the Arabian horse.

Along the coast, we have many colorful tropical fish (think FINDING NEMO) in our coral reefs, plus dolphins, manatees, crustaceans, and the more-than-occasional oil tanker.

Of course, in the city we have plenty of cats (far too many strays)--but very few dogs.

25 May 2008

Christine's Baby Shower Cake

Christine's students had a baby shower for her. This is the cake from that event. In case you can't read the writing- it says, "Boom That's Big"!

Most recent photo:

16 May 2008

Randy's editorial in Gulf News

Here is my editorial, published Friday morning in GULF NEWS. If you actually want to read it, it's the same as the blog posting below about vice presidential picks for the US presidential candidates.
In other news, we had another good visit with the midwife at the Corniche Hospital. Baby and mother are doing well. The midwife called our fetus "boring" because there haven't been any complications. She also said that she could tell the baby was a girl because of the heartbeat; apparently, girls have a faster heartbeat that sounds like a galloping horse, and boys' heartbeats sound more like a train.
In local news, within the city of Abu Dhabi alone, real estate developments in the works are costing 500 billion dollars. Keep buying that oil, America! (Actually, most UAE oil goes to Japan, not the US).

08 May 2008

Cool images of Dubai

Here are some pictures that a parent of our school sent to the director. He passed them onto us, and now I share them with you.

View of Dubai from a camera atop world's tallest building, Burj Dubai (and it's not done yet!!)

Sheikh Zayed Road, the main street of Dubai, as seen from the aerial view